Wednesday, 28 November 2007

A Daily Meditation

I've been laid up in bed since Sunday with a bout of sinusitis which has given me a head like a sore bear and a tolerance level to match. I had to wait a couple of days for my antibiotics to be delivered and I'm hoping by tomorrow I will start to feel almost human again.

In the time I've been laid up, I've had to slow down and rest - it's funny how your body malfunctions forcing you to stop when you don't stop to listen to it voluntarily. This has allowed me to think (bad move) but also to be in 'the moment' - something I think we are all pretty bad at doing in our busy busy lives.

Daily meditation in whatever form, need only take 5 minutes or so - long enough to ground yourself, long enough to stop the chattering monkeys, long enough to regroup your thoughts, long enough to take in a deep breath and let it our again slowly, long enough to know who you are and where you are going.

On my bedroom wall (directly in my line of vision) is a Buddhist meditation which reads like this:

Let us be still for a few moments
Without moving even our little finger
So that a hush descends upon us.
There would be no place to go,
Nor to come from,
For we would have arrived in this
extraordinary moment,
There would be a stillness and silence,
That would fill all our senses,
Where all things would find their rest.
Everything would then be together in a
deep connection.
Putting an end to "us and them", this
against that.
We would not move in these brief
For that would disturb this palpable presence;
There would be nothing to be said nor done
For life would embrace us in this wondrous meeting
And take us into its arms as a loving friend.

I thought I would share it with you today and wish you all a quiet five minutes to just check in with yourselves.


  1. Hi Fuchia, thank you for popping in to read my blog.
    I have just had a quick peak at your blog and have enjoyed reading it.
    I hear the music, great selection have you just added it?
    I have made a note of your 'Ted' name.
    Our George is 12 years old in April 08.
    He is and always have been a Very Good boy. We know that we will never be so lucky again with a big dog.
    George is still very fit, we have never let him get overweight - so he is in tip top condition for his ripe old age.
    I have saved your B&B as well....
    My hubby is a fair weather Fisherman who suffers terrible sea sickness, so tends to stay on land!
    I will visit you again now I have you in my Fav's.
    Have a great day tomorrow.

  2. Sorry to hear you have not been too good, but I am pleased you have been sensible and have relaxed, even if only for part of the day. You would be doing yourself no favours by trying to carry on as normal. Let's hope the old antibiotics start to work very soon. Like the meditation. I must admit I find lying on the bed watching a bit of TV to be relaxing, not that I get to do that much these days, too much blogging going on. Take care, and get better soon. x

  3. hope your feeling better soon!!

    Ps you mentioned the book, Celestine Prophecy, which I've never heard of....guess what I found at my work placed behind a computer at a desk rarely used, but I just happened to sit there to quickly write something?! ...yes, a copy of the above mentioned book,no one knew who it belonged to, so I will have a read and return back to its place! :) (spooky!)

  4. Thanks for your comments:
    Katherines Dream: I managed to work out how to post my playlist, thanks; George is gorgeous - Megan is our first dog and she has already captured our hearts. Her parents are on Iona just across the water from us.

    Hi Louise - thanks for your good wishes; am feeling much better today, have even ventured outside for a walk with Megan and John this afternoon; 2 of the kids have arrived home from school early though with some kind of bug/virus!! It's going to be a long weekend :-)

    HGF: thanks for your good wishes. Wow - how spooky is that! You just never know what is around the corner. I often find that if I put a thought out into the universe it is very often answered. You really do have to be careful what you ask for though!



If you think life is a struggle you will always be struggling; if you think life is a breeze, your attitudes and actions will convey lightness and easiness