Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Living by the Ocean

Having posted this Thought for Today.... "Most of the time our minds are like water whipped into waves by the distraction and pressures of life. We spend much of our lives in touch with only with the choppy surface. Meditation enables us to calm down, so the water becomes clear and still" it got me thinking about what it means to live here on the edge of the ocean.

Every day I watch the tides ebb and flow (it's a new moon tonight so the tides will be quite big); sometimes the sea is big, sometimes small; sometimes it is cobalt blue, turquoise, and aquamarine and sometimes it is grey, quite sinister looking and cold.

There are no two days the same as the water from the ocean flows into the bay and out again, completely at will, timeless - regardless of the weather, the people who make their living from the sea, the marine life that depend on it or all of the different kinds of boats that sail up and down the Sound of Iona.

The sea is in constant motion and never still - sometimes it gently laps around the rocks, sometimes it crashes noisily down on them; sometimes it lovingly caresses the white sands on the beach and sometimes it mischievously churns it up; sometimes it laughingly kicks up white horses and at other times it will whisper to you and lull you to sleep.

How like life is the sea!


  1. Hello!
    I've stumbled across your blog, and love the photos...you seem an interesting person, and I look forward to reading some of your musings.
    ...I'm another 40something, with teens! :)

    If you don't mind, I've added you to my links on my newly created blog...

  2. Such truer words were never spoken. I love your photos and words as always.



If you think life is a struggle you will always be struggling; if you think life is a breeze, your attitudes and actions will convey lightness and easiness