Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Puppy Love

Well what can I say!

I’ve fallen in love ...............yet again, at the age of 42 years and 11 months! This time with a gorgeous chocolate Labrador pup called Megan – she’s 11 weeks old today and has been occupying most of my time over the past 4 weeks.

Hence the reason for not blogging!

I’d forgotten what it was like to have a baby in the house and now I remember all those reasons why I said 13 years ago, (after doing my duty for Queen & country and giving birth to the last of my 2 strapping sons), I wouldn’t be having any more babies...................early mornings, toilet training, teething troubles, regular feeding, constantly saying Noooooooooo (which bit of NO don’t you understand?), continually having to remove things out of the way and having eyeballs that swivel 360 degrees in the back of my head. It’s absolutely exhausting!!

But I love it.

What fun we’ve had this past month getting to know one another. Never having owned a dog before it has been an incredibly steep learning curve for both John and me – not least because what seems pretty simple, ordinary and normal to us humans can mean something quite different in doggie language.

Megan was born to Jura and Sidney (both chocolate Labs) who live on Iona and is one of a litter of 9. When I saw the notice in the shop next door saying they were for sale, I just knew it was meant to be. We had been talking about having a family dog for sometime but were constantly procrastinating and putting the decision off – when was a good time, would we be tied down, where would she live, did we have time, weren’t we busy enough......blah, blah, blah.

And after all the doubts and anxiety about having done the right thing? Well I would never have guessed at the joy, fun, love and laughter such a bundle of brown fur and long gangly legs could bring into a home.

And her full pedigree Kennel Club name?

Kenmilleven Melting Wispa................but we prefer Megan, who at 11 weeks old has already captured and melted our hearts forever.

PS: Many thanks to all of you who have posted comments saying you are missing my posts. All is well – just frenetic at the moment :-)


  1. She is beautiful. I have two labs myself.

  2. She is absolutely adorable!!!
    best of luck thru the teething stage!!! ;))

    (thanks for stopping by on my blog, I really appreciate all of your comments!!!) :)

  3. What an adorable bundle of fun is she!
    Her coat looks like the softest velvet..
    I have really enjoyed looking at your blog..
    how wonderful to live where you do.. I live in the same kind of place.. only in my dreams.
    Best wishes



If you think life is a struggle you will always be struggling; if you think life is a breeze, your attitudes and actions will convey lightness and easiness