Monday, 3 September 2007

I'm not lost - I'm on a journey

I've always liked Mondays because it signals the start of a new week and it means I have lots of things to do and look forward to; today has been no exception and I haven't been disappointed. In fact, wow! what a wonderful day Monday has been today - and not just because it has been sunny with blue skies but because when you are least expecting it, a lovely surprise pops up out of nowhere and can really make your day.

During the course of a very busy morning (stripping out and cleaning bedrooms.......lovely!) I checked a chest of drawers in one of the bedrooms - something I should do more often but very often forget to. However today, I discovered sitting tucked neatly in the drawer a book in a clear plastic bag with the words 'Free Book' printed on it along with the following: "Thank you for finding me! I'm a special book, travelling around the world and making new friends. Please take me home with you, and look inside my cover to see how to Read and Release me at:"

The book entitled 'Bones of Contention. The Archaeopteryx Scandals' by Paul Chambers also had a lovely little sticker on the front telling me it was a Traveling Book along with the words "I'm not lost - I'm on a journey".

I'm not sure if I'll be that enamoured with the book, but I'll give it a go and see what happens. I am however thrilled at having found it and the whole concept of I've spent half the day browsing this wonderful website and for all you book lovers out there, please do have a look at this site - it's amazing and great fun. I'm so excited, I can't wait to get started reading and releasing my books 'into the wild'.

Interestingly in a moment of quiet reflection this afternoon the words I'm not lost - I'm on a journey made me stop and think about the meaning behind the words. There have been many times over the years when I have felt completely lost; so lost in fact that I have often wondered what it is I am supposed to be doing and where it is I am supposed to be going. Life doesn't come with a Manual of Instructions or a Map for Guidance & Directions and at times life has seemed very disorientating.

But life really is a journey. When you pause long enough to take a breath and consider the road you're travelling along, very often the signposts appear at the right place and at the right time. You can then either continue along your chosen route, double back or take a left or a right turn. What I do know is: 'If it's for you; it'll nae go by you'


  1. You should also look into paperback It is a wonderful site also as is Book Crossing.

  2. Great, thoughtful blog post, fuchsiagirl! You should put a link to it in your journal entry so it becomes part of the book's history.
    BookCrossing really is a wonderful website, isn't it?
    (loved your post about your nonchalant son too)
    -Ibis3 on BookCrossing



If you think life is a struggle you will always be struggling; if you think life is a breeze, your attitudes and actions will convey lightness and easiness